The utility model relates to a non-blocking screw conveyer belonging to a general machine, particularly a screw conveyer. 无堵塞螺旋输送机属于一般机器,具体来说涉及一种螺旋输送机。
Conveyer screw shaft coupling 输送机螺旋轴联轴节
Computer Aided Designing and Machining of a Screw Conveyer with Variant Depth and Pitch Design and Parameter Analysis of Distributing Screw Conveyer for Asphalt Paver 变深度不等距螺旋送料杆的CAD/CAM实践沥青混合料摊铺机螺旋分料器设计计算及参数分析
At present, there are two kinds of front coal feeding system& the one is conveyer belt and traditional mechanical screw conveyer, the other is pump-conveying system. 洗煤泥炉前给料系统目前国内主要有两种形式:一种是采用皮带输送和螺旋给料的传统机械方式,一种是泵送系统。